Monday, October 29, 2007

The increasing of polar bear

Summary Response #2

For a long-time, people have insisted that the climate change leads the melting of sea ice, then, threaten the amount of polar bears. However, some researchers have a different discovery about polar bears. Mitchell Taylor, who is a biologist who studied polar bears for the Nunavut government for 20 years, claims that amount of polar bears are increasing in recent years (Langan, 2007). He is against the idea that it is global warming, which is considered the biggest threat to polar bears. Nevertheless, Andrew Derocher, a professor of biological sciences at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, claimed that the increasing in the population of polar bears is not related to climate change, but to conservation and an increase in the harp seal population (Lamgan, 2007).

Undebatably, the alarm of global warming is apparent. The influence of the Arctic becoming ice-free not only leads to the sea level rise but damages the habitats of the polar bear (, 2007). The polar bear is the biggest carnivore in the Arctic and usually to be a standard animal as the balance of the Arctic ecosystem because of their life-style. They rely on the ice floe moving to distant places and hunting the harp seal for food. In other words, the subsistence of this species is involved with the sea ice that is the mass part in the Arctic. Recently, people believe that global warming has changed the ecosystem in the Arctic; moreover, it has endangered most mammals that live in the polar region. However, there are opposite points of view about that: the amount of polar bears is not decreasing as people thought, but increasing. However, that not mean people should do noting to protect them. On the contrary, the reason for the numbers of polar bears climbing up is complicated, and people should concentrate on the issue and figure out the real causes.

One of the reasons is conservation. For a long-time, the illegal hunting activity has been a grave threat to the survival of polar bears. There was more than 40 polar bears had been killed by hunters annually. As a result, many countries such as Canada and Norway made laws to ban illegal hunting. Definitely, this was contributing to protecting wildlife. In Canada’ s eastern Arctic, one of 19 polar bear population grew to 2,100, up from 850 in the mid-1980s (Langan, 2007). That is clear that protecting polar bears from hunting can save them against extinction. Therefore, all the things we need to do include not only cutting the greenhouse gas down, but forbidding the killing of rare animals.

Another reason is migration. One Inuit hurter reported that there are more polar bears wandering in town and trying to get food from human settlements compared before (Langan, 2007). Polar bears normally rely on the ice moving to other places to hunt seal. However, the decreasing of ice makes the activity become difficult. Therefore, they have to move into the north part, which has more ice covered lands to get more prey. It seems polar bears are becoming adapted to the climate change; nevertheless, finally, the Arctic will lose its ice cover and polar bears will lose their hunt.

Some people claimed that because the amount of polar bears is increasing now, humans should not spend money in conservation, but spend in helping people getting the better life quality instead. However, the Arctic will lose its sea ice cover by 2030 (, 2007). As a result, it is predictable that polar bear will disappear and no longer exist in the future. Besides, an ice-free Arctic also can accelerate global warming, because solar energy will be absorbed by seawater, and then heat up the whole ocean, then the Earth. The responsibility for humans is unavoidable. Since last century, people have enjoyed the convenience of technology; at the same time, we produce too much waste and pollution, which causes the Earth to be unable maintain a sustainable society, which means the Earth loses its self-repair ability.

On the whole, the efficient way to protect endangered mammals that depend on sea ice is conservation and reducing the production of greenhouse gases. Considering the above, although it is impossible to create a zero-pollution environment, people must takes some actions to slow down the destroyed behaviors, not only for us but for our children and all the species.

Arctic sea ice cover at record low. (2007). Retrieved October 26, 2007, from
Langan, F. (2007). Canadian controversy: How do polar bears fare? Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved October 25, 2007 from LexisNexis database

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Action for The Earth

Summary Response #1

According to the author of “Polar bears on thin ice” (2007), US law has tried to protect polar bears from becoming extinct. Polar bears are the biggest carnivore in the north pole, and they are totally dependent on the sea ice to survive. However, their habitats are facing disappearing recently because of global warming. Kert Davies claimed that American have the responsibility to take actions to save polar bears. Moreover, he said that the thick multiyear ice has been shrinking 8 to 10 per cent per decade and the Arctic could have no ice in summer by 2040. Therefore, the alarm of the Artic and polar bear reminds us that all people should pay attention to the climate change. There is only one thing important, he said, we must start cutting greenhouse gas emission or the polar bear will be extinct in our lifetime. The greenhouse gas production could increase the Earth’s temperature and cause the climate change. He argued that carbon dioxide, one component of greenhouse gases, is now rising at more than 2 percent a year. Considering all of the above, he said we need action not only from governments and corporations, but also from all of us.

It is very clear that our lives are influenced by the climate change seriously. From the Arctic to the deserts, from polar bears to sea turtles, all the living or non-living creatures are threatened by global warming. In other words, human being is the criminal of climate change. Recently, for better life quality, people have continued seeking the improvement of technology and have been unconcerned about the environment. Eventually, it leads to the destruction. Generally speaking, the emission of greenhouse gas is the biggest reason for global warming. For protecting the Earth, we have a duty to cut it down.

First, finding renewable resources, instead of oil and coal which has been considered to be nonrenewable resources helps reduce the carbon dioxide production. That means that people should be using a new pollution-free energy in order to decrease the rising of the Earth’s temperature. Today, solar capital is an ideal and unlimited resource. Many scientists have started working to transmit the solar capital to be a useful energy and have great achievements. For example, the innovation of solar-energy-heated water boiler makes the use of solar energy more efficient. As a result, it is can be expected that there will be the more applications of green energies in the future.

Second, the responsibility of reducing the emission of greenhouse gases is not only for particular countries or leaderships but for all human beings. If people would like to do some trivial things without extra effort or motion, it could be very helpful for saving the energy, for example, turning the computer off when you are not in the office. The energy you save from computer can print more than 100,000 pieces of paper. It does not take too much time to do that, but it is very beneficial strategy to contribute to the Earth.

Finally, preventing the Amazon from destruction is a big issue related to global warming. The Amazon has the biggest rainfall in the world and contains 40% of plants of the Earth. Every day, plants carry out the photo-synthesise and transfer of the carbon dioxide into water and oxygen. That is the reason that Amazon be called as the Earth’s lung. However, since the last century, people have been logging the wood unlimitedly in order to earn money. The decreasing of the trees is reflection of the fact that no matter how much people are concerned about this problem, there always will be some unreachable places. Considering that, Internationals must do some things to prohibit the immoderate logging.

To sum up, polar bears cannot fight for their habitats, but humans can. Most importantly, evidence shows that none planet has been found like the Earth which is suitable for all the species in the world. Therefore, it is an unavoidable duty to take actions changing the situation and fight for our planet.

polar bears on thin ice. (2007). Greenpeace International. Retrieved October 23, 2007, from

Fluency Exercise #3

A New Communication Way Among Youths

It is doubtless that today younger people are influenced by computers, and that computers have become one necessary part in their lives. Youths meet people and seek information through the Internet. Moreover, they love to share their lives and characters with their friend in a virtual world. According to all these reasons, youths develop a way to communicate easily and quickly, in secret, and hide the side from their parents or family.

The one reason is that teenagers have their own individuality and sometime their thinking is hard to accept by adults. Therefore, spending time with the same generation is the only way to seek the identification for adolescences. However, some people claim that young students are confused with the new language and correction. In my point of view, it is hard to define how serious the problem is.

Another reason is for saving time. The meaning of communication is letting people who talk with you understand what you want to express. For example, when some people chat with their friends on MSN which is communication software that connects people who are in different places by the Internet, they use “U” as “you” or “coz” as “because”. In the present day, time is money. Definitely, using specific and short words instead of long one is a very helpful tip for saving time to do other things or chatting more.

In conclusion, the new communication way is accompanied with the advancement of the Internet. People can find one private place they can focus on without disturbance. The new language may be one part of my life in the future.

Fluency Exercise #2


Taiwan is my home country and I have spent almost my whole life in this island. When I was a young child, I remember it was very cold and rained a lot during the winter. Besides, we always called the rainy spell in early summer the plum rains.
However, it has changed forever and unexpectedly. People never need to wear heavy clothes in order to defend themselves from the cold. Moreover, the blooming of flower was out of order in that we have an early antheses. All of these symptoms showed us that global warming changed the weather.
Although most people do not think it is a serious problem, warmer weather can damage the agriculture and make farmers lack in their harvest then lose their jobs. All of these not only affect a particular group but all the humans.
In conclusion, people have to face this problem and find out solutions such as seeking new natural energy instead of oil that decreases the emission of carbon dioxide. Although I prefer the warm weather, I would like to see my country just like before.

Fluency Exercise #1


The progresses of technology has changed our life style and improved our life quality. In my opinion, the using of computer is an important part in our daily lives. For example, the innovation of computers and the internet allows people to get new and useful information immediately. Today, students can grasp the content of textbook by the internet and need no papers.
In additional, from flight tickets to hotel reservations, from clothes to shoes, we can order anything we want by the internet. Moreover, people can make new friends who are from other counties in an easy way. Compared to the people who lived in the Middle Age, modern life is like a miracle from God.
However, there are some problems that accompany with the life improvement. For example, people are used to getting anything from the internet such as news, music and movies even relationships. The consequence of relying on the computers makes people rather spend their time with the computer than with families and friends. Moreover, it makes people separate from the real world. Although technology is an essential tool for all people, however, it is hard to say whether it is good for humans or not.